HESS Resources

Monthly Fixed Facility Updates (Members Only)

CI publishes regulatory updates every month for members highlighting news affecting the chlor-alkali industry, including proposed rules, open comment periods, interpretations on existing rules, voluntary programs, newly published resources, training opportunities, and agency directives.  The updates focus on news from the:

  • Chemical Safety Board (CSB)
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
  • Other applicable agencies

Members may elect to receive this update via email by clicking “Member Compass”, then selecting "Profile" and opting into the Fixed Facility Updates e-mail subscription list which includes (Fixed Facility Updates, Safety Alerts, Information Bulletins).

View Current and Previous Year Monthly Fixed Facility Updates


CI Safety Alerts (Members Only)

CI Safety Alert – Purpose and Data Protection

Safety alerts are 1-2 page, members-only documents that highlight lessons learned from incidents. If you are a member with an incident to share, use this form to describe your incident and provide any pictures. 

Hard hat, safety goggles and safety gloves
This image was created by Compliance and Safety
and used under the Creative Commons
Atribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.


CI Safety Alert – Chlorine Area Fire 

CI Safety Alert – Bypass Failure

CI Safety Alert – Wrong Material

CI Safety Alert – Release from Depleted Brine Line

CI Safety Alert – Outlet Pump Piping Rupture

CI Safety Alert – Bystander Chlorine Exposure

CI Safety Alert – Premature PPE Doffing

CI Safety Alert – Trip Logic


 View Current and Previous CI Safety Alerts


Information Bulletins (Members Only)

Information Bulletins are short, focused documents that address pressing issues affecting the chlor-alkali industry, such as major regulatory rule changes, regulatory enforcement changes, and/or standards updates.

Information Bulletin - PSM Enforcement

Information Bulletin - Eye and Face Protection

Information Bulletin - Drench Units

Information Bulletin - RMP Enforcement

View Current and Previous Information Bulletins


Pamphlets, Videos and Wall Charts

Pamphlets are 10-100+ page guidance documents that detail chemical properties, safe handling, use, and transport.  There are over fifty titles available in our bookstore and all safety pamphlets are free to download for CI members.  CI also publishes videos and wall charts summarizing best practices found in the pamphlets, which may be freely streamed or downloaded from the bookstore.


Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Process Safety Beacons (Members Only)

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) publishes monthly process safety beacons.  These one-page documents highlight hazards and incidents at facilities and laboratories. The most recent are posted here; anyone can access past issues on the AIChE website.

Process Safety Beacon – Are You Prepared?? | (Also available in Spanish & French)

Process Safety Beacon – Corrosion - Another Hidden Threat | (Also available in Spanish & French)

Process Safety Beacon – Are your P&IDs up to date? | (Also available in Spanish & French)

Process Safety Beacon – Evacuation Plans Save Lives! | (Also available in Spanish & French)

Process Safety Beacon – Does the Piping Meet the Specification? | (Also available in Spanish & French)

Process Safety Beacon – Get Out and Stay Out! | (Also available in Spanish & French)

View Current and Previous CCPS Process Safety Beacons


Other Resources (Members Only)

Occasionally, there are additional resources that are of interest and do not fall into the categories above.

Moisture in Chlorine - CI Resource Guide

Incident Investigation Guidance

DHS Compliance Inspection Templates and Member Learnings

CI Security Guidance

Industry Guidance