Technical Service Questions
As a public service, the Chlorine Institute regularly fields technical questions about the chlor-alkali industry in advancing safe, secure, environmentally compatible, and sustainable production, distribution, and use of its mission chemicals; chlorine, sodium and potassium hydroxides, sodium hypochlorite, the distribution of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), and the distribution and use of hydrogen chloride. Anyone can ask a question by completing the Chlorine Institute's Tech Service Questions Submission Form below. When your question is received, a CI staffer will direct you to an applicable source. Before submitting your request we encourage you to review our list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to see if your question may already be answered on the webpage.
How do I obtain free CI publications?
In an effort to promote safety stewardship within the chlor-alkali industry, The Chlorine Institute offers free download access to pamphlets and videos for members through the online bookstore, Resource Library, and Members Only Portal. (CI Pamphlet 10 is not included in this program but is still available for purchase through the bookstore). Government agencies, public first responders, and public water utilities may access CI resources at no cost. Please email with the publication(s) needed.
I am in an emergency situation, who can I call?
For emergencies involving chlorine or other hazardous materials in the United States call CHEMTREC at 1-800-424-9300. For emergencies involving chlorine or other hazardous materials in Canada please contact CANUTEC at 1-888-226-8832. If chlorine is involved, CHEMTREC will automatically activate CHLOREP, a mutual aid network in Canada and the United States. Read more about CHLOREP here.
Who can contact the Chlorine Institute with questions? Who do I contact?
Anyone can contact CI with technical questions, by using the submission form below. When the question is received, a CI staff member will direct you to the appropriate resource within our library (such as a pamphlet) or redirect you to another technical resource for assistance. Please note it may take up to three business days for a reply to non-members. As a benefit of membership, CI members will be given priority and receive a reply within one business day. CI members are also encouraged to email the appropriate CI staff directly. Please note that CI observes most Federal holidays. If you submit a question on one of those days, a reply may take additional time.
Where can I find more information on my own?
The Chlorine Institute has many resources available to the public, most of which can be downloaded. You can explore the different areas on this webpage and browse the literature in our bookstore (link to the catalog). To download a pamphlet, search for the publication with the suffix "DL", make your selection(s), and add it to your shopping cart. Note: Pamphlet downloads are restricted and cannot be printed, edited, or shared. Hard copies of all of our publications are available for purchase.
Chlorine Institute's Tech Service Question Submission
Please e-mail Technical Services to submit your question.