Mike Croke - JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc.

Member Spotlight,

March Member Spotlight – Mike Croke (JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc.)

CI: Tell us a little about yourself, and what you do?

JCI Jones Chemicals hired me one day after getting out of the US Navy in the maintenance department. I was a pipe fitter/fabricator. I became the Branch Manager of our Milford, VA plant at 24 years old and have been with JCI for over 40 years.  My specialty with the company has always been operations.  I love what I do in the Chlor- Alkali Industry and have no regrets… that a handful of Tylenol won’t fix.


CI: When did you first become involved at CI? What activities have you been involved in at CI?

I have been actively involved with the CI for about 12 years all on the Emergency Preparedness Issue Team (EPIT). Currently I am the Vice Chair of EPIT, and I have served as an instructor at multiple CHLOREP trainings and TRANSCAER events. I’ve also served on multiple task groups. 


CI: What is something interesting about you that few would know or guess?

I am retired from the US Navy and Naval Reserve (30 years) and am a Certified Concealed Weapon Instructor for the State of South Carolina.


CI: Tell us about your favorite CI memory.

My favorite memories of the CI, is certainly CHLOREP training.  Watching the faces of students going into the water plant for the very first time, with all the artificial smoke we produce, and then watching the smiiles on their faces when they have successfully completed the entire drill.  It’s pretty gratifying!


CI: What do you most value from your CI Membership?

The one thing I most value from the CI Membership is the camaraderie amongst the members. 


CI: What advice do you have for early career professionals in the chlor-alkali industry?

To quote some dead dude from a long time ago, “There is a reason you have two eyes, two ears and only one mouth….learn everything you can and success will be yours.”



“Mike was one of the first members I met at CHLOREP Team Training when I first started working at CI; he made me feel like I was a part of the team. His dedication to promoting the safe handling of chlorine and our other mission chemicals is evident in the amount of training he conducts for CI at CHLOREP and TRANSCAER events. He has served on multiple tasks groups and even costarred in the Chlorine Safety Tour video. Mike might be the only person I know who still uses the word “groovy” but that just adds to his charm. We are lucky to have Mike in our corner, advancing CI’s core safety mission.”

- Cindy Kuranchie, Senior Manager, Member Services & Outreach (CI)


Do you know an actively engaged CI member who would make a great Member Spotlight? Send their name and company to info@cl2.com.