Dear CI Members: On March 12, 2024, The Institute celebrated its 100th year! With the conclusion of this milestone, CI strives to remain a vibrant organization which prioritizes the values of its members. The 100th year has been a year of celebration and accomplishments. Those accomplishments have... Continue Reading
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Chlorine Institute News (for Members Only)
Join us at CI’s 2025 Annual Meeting this March! We are excited to see you at the InterContinental Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, March 17-20, 2025. Early bird registration is $925. There will be sessions ranging from our regular business meeting, forums to share industry best practices and... Continue Reading
The HESS+ Seminar will take place on Wednesday morning, March 19, 2025, during CI’s Annual Meeting. Entry to the Health, Environment, Safety, Security, and Transportation Seminar is included with your Annual Meeting registration. Check out this year’s presentations: Lessons in... Continue Reading
Are you responsible for training at your packaging facility? Or are you looking for an explanation of packager-specific safety topics for your newest hire? Download the Packager-Focused Safety PowerPoint, which covers: Introduction to The Chlorine Institute Overchlorination ORP Basics Sodium... Continue Reading
The Chlorine Institute is currently in the process of updating our list of consultants! We maintain a list of professionals that have stated to have experience in the chlor-alkali industry. This list is sent out during responses to technical service inquiries and has been a highly requested... Continue Reading
In 2014, CI put a training tank car into service to enhance the experience at CI’s hands-on emergency response training events. This tank car has served its purpose well for the last ten years and has finally reached its time to retire. CI’s Emergency Preparedness Issue Team chose... Continue Reading
Attending a conference for the first time can be both exciting and overwhelming. Sometimes new attendees are a little lost at the meetings because of unfamiliarity with the meeting format and the organization. To help acclimate new members, our conference buddy program is returning. New meeting... Continue Reading
The Health, Environment, Safety, and Security Issue Team (“HESS”) has decided to share incidents among CI membership in the shorter form of Safety Alerts. These Safety Alerts are more focused and are intended to be used during safety meetings and for less experienced engineers to be... Continue Reading
SAFTENG is an online resource that posts newly released OSHA and EPA interpretation letters – many of which are uploaded by the agency without a formal press release or other easy means to find them. There are also posts outlining citations at various facilities. Additionally, SAFTENG has... Continue Reading
Have you read the 2023-2024 TRANSCAER Today Magazine yet? Page 14 highlights CI's 100 Years of Chlorine Safety & Emergency Preparedness, and you can spot the CI Training Car on page 11! There are many member companies, and first responders highlighted as well, great job everyone! We are proud... Continue Reading
January is safety data reporting time. Designated Reporting Contacts for CI member companies that produced, packaged, and/or used chlorine in 2024 will receive an email request to submit safety performance information. Detailed information related to this annual reporting process is available on... Continue Reading
With CI’s one-hundredth year almost at an end, staff thought it was time to snazzy up the MSSC and PCP. The end result remains the same, yet there is now a more formal certificate available to print once the MSSC and PCP forms have been completed and submitted. Process for MSSC and PCP... Continue Reading