Tim Gaffney - JCI Jones Chemicals

Member Spotlight,

June Member Spotlight – Tim Gaffney (JCI Jones Chemicals)

CI: Tell us a little about yourself, and what you do? 

I have a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson University, and have spent my entire 35+ year career with JCI Jones Chemicals. I have had numerous titles over my years at JCI and am currently an Executive Vice President overseeing Environmental Affairs, Risk Management, Insurance, and all Regulatory Compliance matters impacting JCI at all 11 of our chemical facilities. In addition to being actively involved in the Chlorine Institute, I am also actively involved in the American Chemistry Council and serve as JCI’s Responsible Care Coordinator. 


CI: When did you first become involved at CI? What activities have you been involved in at CI? 

I have been coming to Chlorine Institute meetings for over 20 years. I have worked on numerous Task Groups over the years, am currently on the HESS Issue Team, and have previously served on the Product Stewardship and Emergency Preparedness Issue Teams.  I also had the privilege of serving on the CI Board of Directors for 6 years. 


CI: What is something interesting about you that few would know or guess? 

I am a die hard Buffalo Bills fan and have had season tickets since 1987. Go Bills! 


CI: Tell us about your favorite CI memory or success story.  

It would have to be when Andrea Kremer, a sports correspondent with ESPN and HBO was the guest speaker at one of the annual meeting luncheons speaking about “safety and concussions” in the NFL, and as she was running up the stairs to the podium to begin her presentation she tripped and fell and cut her shin open.  It was quite the lead into a presentation on safety! 


CI: What do you value most from your CI membership? 

The knowledge of the CI staff and all of the members, and the technical information and literature (pamphlets, training materials, etc.) that is available to the membership. Also, the willingness of the member companies to share their knowledge, experience, best practices, and lessons learned with the other member companies, all to make our industry safer, secure, and compliant. I also value the expanded role that the packager members have taken within the CI over the past decade and would like to think that JCI and I are at least somewhat responsible for this. 


CI: What advice do you have for early career professionals in the chlor-alkali industry? 

Try to meet as many people as you can when you attend the CI meetings and take advantage of the wealth of knowledge that is out there within the CI membership. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Everyone has something a little different to offer, so try to network and build relationships with those people that you will be able to share information with when needed.  Also, get involved in various Task Groups and/or Issue Teams where you feel your knowledge can best be served.



“Tim is dedicated to the mission of CI. He dedicates his time and lends his expertise in many ways. From sending incident data to participating on task groups to serving stints on multiple Issue Teams and the Board, Tim takes safety and security in chlor-alkali seriously. He makes the Institute better!” 

-Robyn Brooks 


Do you know an actively engaged CI member who would make a great Member Spotlight? Send their name and company to info@cl2.com